Fire Alarm Goes off Three Times


Photo Credits: Dharv Patel

Nico Chilla

        A collective cheer erupted across the quad today as the fire alarm began to sound nearing the end of brunch. In the following minutes, the entire student body herded in a large and disgruntled mass towards the field area of the school, where they waited for approximately 10 minutes before a voice over the PA system announced that it was a false alarm. However, the disturbances did not end there. The alarm system sounded two more times during the school day; first during 5th period and once again during 7th period.

        According to assistant principal Andy Walczak, the incidents all originated from an unidentified student vaping in a bathroom on campus. The smoke from the vaporizer triggered the smoke detector in the room.

        “Since the bathroom is a small, closed off space, the smoke lingered and continued to set off the alarm,” Walczak explained.

        The events prompted a mix of frustration and amusement from students and teachers whose classes were disrupted by the fickle alarm.

         The Prospector is obligated to point out the irony and possible connection to the fact that today is 4/20, the date that, in some spheres, is farcically considered “weed day.” This may have been the motivation for the culprit’s activity in the bathroom.