Scholastic Awards

Bay Area Writing Region
Awards received over 2,300 submissions
372 Honorable Mentions awarded to promising works
238 Silver Keys awarded to distinguished works
176 Gold Keys awarded to the most accomplished works
5 American Voice Nominees selected as the strongest regional works
Joyce Lee(9), poetry, honorable mention “Easier” & gold key “A Recipe For Your Someday”
Joyce Lee, flash fiction, gold key “Piercing My Heart”
Joyce Lee, short story, silver key “Epiphany”
Yashica Prasad(11), flash fiction, honorable mention “Home”
Kelly Song(9), Personal Essay & Memoir, honorable mention “Pool of Tears”
Karen Yan(11), Personal Essay & Memoir, silver key “The Many Faces of the Enigma Love”
Eric Yoon(11), Humor, honorable mention, “SenCi”
Lina Youn(9), flash fiction, silver key “The Unwanted Inheritance” and “Yesterday’s Silver”
Lina Youn (9), poetry, silvery key “From Your Kin”